Saturday, August 25, 2007

.kosice's hell

.time for a special marathon race has come. The last Saturday in August is dedicated to bike marathon in my home town. 90km long, 3000 elevation metres, it's not very suitable for holiday bikers ;).
After two years of rainy weather, today we had finally some sun (maybe too much, biker is never satisfied with the weather) and only a modest mud :)... Competition was really tough, as some very good bikers were present again. My main challenge was to survive and try to improve my time as much as possible. Mission was successful, even though I've had time only for some 1600kms this season :(. I finished 17th, with the time of 5:54:37, thus improving last years time by 50 minutes ;). Yeah, it's good to add, that last year it was really rainy and we raced ankle deep in mud...
Anyhow, take a look at all the things you get when you pay your start fee... Isn't it worth all the trouble ;)?

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