Thursday, August 09, 2007

.job acquired!

.great news, folks! The job I was applying for is at last mine ;). Today I've got a long awaited verifying mail. That means that from the October I'm officially a member of Illusion Softworks development team :). I'm so glad, that's the job I've ever wanted! Hopefully I'll also like it :).
This means that I'm staying in Prague for some more time (months, years, who knows...). Thus my search for an apartment is getting really serious and intense ;).
See you around someday! Now I have to go to celebrate these great news a bit :)!


Anonymous (9/10/07 20:26)

Ahoj Boris, napis mi prosim svuj mejl, potreboval bych se te na neco zeptat.

Moje adresa na gmailu je
