Unfortunately the weather was playing a big negative part in this play :(. Very cold (17 degrees) and windy, cloudy conditions with drizzling rain are not very much favouring the sightseeing activities.

Nevertheless, we did pretty much interesting stuff during the last 6 days. And what is the most important, we had a lot of fun.
Everybody who is in Prague wants to see the castle, Staromestske namesti, Orloj and Vysehrad. So we did ;)! First day was completely about visiting these famous places and taking a lot of pictures. Interesting thing to mention is that during the first days with rainy weather there were thousands of tourists everywhere, but for example on Wednesday on Vysehrad there was only a bunch of people, even though it was sunny and warm finally :). Anyway, Saturday was the day crowned with the most beautiful photos and a great time while taking them :).

And as I was accompanied by such a nice girl we got a free entrance into some of the castle's exhibitions ;).
Because the day was not over yet, we went to a cinema to see a late night screening of La Mome (a movie about life of Edith Piaf). It was nice and sad... I like her music and so this was an interesting journey into the last century. It's worth seeing.
Sunday was reserved for two important things: visiting the Zoo and some evening jazz ;). The sky was clouded and very unpleasant, but we wanted to see some cute animals. Walking around the area, suffering from the rain and cold wind, we did take some nice pictures (lazy tiger, curious giraffe, funny possums, etc.), seen very human-like gorilla (laying her hand against the glass wall and looking at us with those sad and intelligent eyes)...

Evening was a bit of a risk. We'd found some jazz event (an absolutely unknown Czech band playing) and bought the tickets. Still it was really cool and we had heard and seen some 3 hours of really fresh and modern jazz combined with other styles. It was perfect and relaxing. Check some venues for Freetech band and give it a try!
I had to take care of some school stuff on Monday (printing thesis, etc.). But in the evening we had some time to visit a tearoom with my sister Sasa and Igor. It was fine, with Apocalyptica music playing in the background ;) and some good fresh green tea :). It's a shame that all the tearooms are closing so early :(...

The next day some castle road trip was planned ;). We went to Konopiste château and afterwards to Zebrak (ruined castle) and Tocnik, to see something completely different.
Konopiste is really nice, with interesting guided tours through the depth of the palace (Franz Ferdinand d'Este, assassinated in Sarajevo 1914, lived here). Tourists can see impressive collections of weapons and hunting trophies, as well as some exotic souvenirs from monarch's trip around the world.
Zebrak is on the other hand only a ruin. Yet it is more medieval and visitors can see surrounding nature and near castle of Tocnik from its high tower. It was nice and for free ;).

The last two days were dedicated to Vysehrad and the botanical garden. Finally some sun broke through the clouds and it was also warmer. We were both tired from the last days and so our pace was also slower. The only important thing was to enjoy the walks, views and sceneries :).
And that's it, Janka left this evening, the story is over. I had a good time and relaxed a bit before the study for my final exams.
Thanks for your company and see you again!