Monday, January 15, 2007

.(almost) winter beauty

.probably nobody can argue that this winter is not as it should have been... No snow, temperatures way over the normal values. And I personally love this white, silky thing falling from the sky. It's making the whole world softer, nicer and calmer. But as I said, not this season (at least in almost all parts of Europe...).
So you probably can imagine my excitement, when today I awoke into white world :). Ok, it was not white because of the snow, yet the temperatures had dropped overnight by almost 15 degrees and it was freezing outside. Every possible piece of ground, trees and plants were covered quite thickly with hoarfrost. In combination with beautiful sunny weather it created breathtaking views, exposing the beauties of the nature...
I didn't hesitate much and took some photos. Hope they'll make your day a little brighter :)!

Have a nice (winter) day!


Anonymous (17/1/07 14:05)

Hey BORIS, it's Iurii from Lyceum 38 (Kiev)! it is incredible after all this year i found you! I didn't find ur mail on this site so will write mine here - write me please to kaskone #I_HATE_SPAM# MAIL (.DOT) RU

p.s. waiting with inpatience!