.i've got a great feeling because knowledge about slovak cuisine was successfully spread among people from all over the world today :). You don't believe me? Well, that's your very own problem, you should have been here with us... To be more specific, as far as my memory is not bad yet, 'spisske pirohy' tasted friends from Slovakia (they also helped me a lot with cooking, so BIG THANKS in that direction), Czech Republic (of course), Pakistan, Spain, Great Britain, Sweden, Romania and China. Nice bunch of people, right? And they even liked it, what makes me really happy (because every cook, be it apprentice or master, is proud and happy seeing that guests like his food :P)...
So let me tell you what lies behind this huge culinary success. I've just had enough of this monotone german food (mensa throughout week with their schnitzel and pasta during weekends...). So I decided to prepare something special and typical for Slovakia. As 'halusky' were made two weeks ago, this time I chose 'pirohy'. Recipe is not a complicated one, yet the lack of major ingredients is not very good ('bryndza' can't be bought around here, so I faked it combining feta cheese, processed cheese and milk...). After some effort dough was prepared and with a huge help of friends some hundred pieces of 'piroh' were stuffed and formed. Few minutes in boiling water and it can be served (whole preparation took us some 3 hours). Although time doesn't matter if you see that everybody liked it :)...
But this was not the only big thing today. This week has here in Saarbrucken started a jazz festival. Some of the gigs take place in university's aula and with a little bit of luck I won a free ticket for today's concert (jazz bands Parallaxe and Oregon). As always on this school, not everything was working (heating malfunctioned today, so we were sitting there like in the refrigerator) but nothing could spoil my good mood and hunger for some nice music full of emotions. And really, I got what I wanted, both bands were perfect, different styles of jazz, but at the same time beautiful performances and lots of positive energy ;). Yeah, this was a fantastic day! I wish all of them were like this...

Yes, this concert was really great and I think you took quite a lot of pictures... can you show us more?
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