Friday, November 17, 2006

.she's 17!

.yeah, it's true. 17 years ago happened something very important. Thing, act of revolt that meant beginning of the end of one era, era of socialism in Slovakia (at those days still Czechoslovakia)... I'm talking about the so called "Velvet revolution", revolution that opened the doors for democracy (and borders to western Europe and other parts of the world).
We were too young to be a part of this process, still having simple childish problems. Too young to be aware of the importance of things going on around us. Thank God, our parents grasped at this chance of redefining the "freedom". Hundreds of thousands of people in the streets, ringing with keys, firm in intention to change the system... They helped the country (as seen on current economic growth, membership in major organisations etc.), helping also themselves and us at the same time (new possibilities of travel, study abroad etc.).

This day is a national holiday in Slovakia, so celebrate with us! Because democracy is almost mature now...

More info on wikipedia.

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