Sunday, September 02, 2007

.family event

.not every year both of your parents are turning 50 ;). To make this event even more special a huge celebration party was prepared (with the most people from the close family present). A small wedding party is more appropriate to say ;). Around 45 people, 3 days, small hotel near Presov...
And among all this mess me as a family photographer, invitation designer (yeah, some photoshop came in handy). Nobody is paying attention to my need to study and study for the final exams :).
But yeah, it's good to relax a bit and loose the tense nerves ;). And so after many, many toasts, lots of food, wine, hundreds of photographs taken, fireworks, traditional folk music, dancing, sleeping, playing bowling and chatting for hours with all the people you haven't seen for months I was tired but happy that I was a part of it. And of course I'm glad for my parents, that their celebration was a success and maybe in another 50 years we'll propose some toasts to 100 years old couple :). And they lived happily ever after...

But enough of chatting, back to work :(, two more weeks to go...

Saturday, August 25, 2007

.kosice's hell

.time for a special marathon race has come. The last Saturday in August is dedicated to bike marathon in my home town. 90km long, 3000 elevation metres, it's not very suitable for holiday bikers ;).
After two years of rainy weather, today we had finally some sun (maybe too much, biker is never satisfied with the weather) and only a modest mud :)... Competition was really tough, as some very good bikers were present again. My main challenge was to survive and try to improve my time as much as possible. Mission was successful, even though I've had time only for some 1600kms this season :(. I finished 17th, with the time of 5:54:37, thus improving last years time by 50 minutes ;). Yeah, it's good to add, that last year it was really rainy and we raced ankle deep in mud...
Anyhow, take a look at all the things you get when you pay your start fee... Isn't it worth all the trouble ;)?

Monday, August 20, 2007

.to study&relax

.I'd never thought there is sooo much to know for the final exams :(. It's quite overwhelming, after 2 weeks of full day study I've got through 2 out of 6 themes (question domains) only... Still 4 weeks to go, so probably there's enough time left. Yet I'm so tired already :(. Oh, how I wish it was over...
I've found out that the most relaxing thing for me to do after a whole day of math and other study stuff is working and editing of images, adding some artistic impression ;). In the same time I'm learning a lot about what can be achieved with some powerful tools :). But enough of gossip, take a look at some (still very amateur) results:

Saturday, August 11, 2007

.bad luck

.the time has come for one of my favourite bike marathons, Horal, taking place in Nizke Tatry mountains. Last year was successful, I finished 29th out of 200 and it was my best placement ever (not that bad considering that I'm a pure hobby rider and among the competitors are always also some professionals...).
This year the result was not that optimistic, due to a combination of many factors (some of them are my fault, some are beyond my powers to change ;) ). First of all, my physical condition is not that good (not enough km (approximately 1350km so far) , low frequency of training sessions). The weather this year is weird and of course it had to rain two days straight just before the marathon (it was still raining 30 minutes before the start). This resulted in really muddy and hard to conquer track. And because of the mud I've experienced also some technical problems with my bike (this is the first time ever on a competition). Both dérailleurs were so chocked with the dirt, that changing the gear became almost impossible (curiously only on the medium front gear, it just kept dropping the chain...).
I was quite desperate, because it was still some 30km to the finish :(. I've been considering giving up. Yet, I've not given up ;). I've made it through the finish line using only the gears, that were functional... The placement was not very good, but at least I've won over myself and technical bad luck. It still counts, don't you think :)? I was dirty but happy, like every good cyclist should be after finishing yet another marathon ;)...

Thursday, August 09, 2007

.job acquired!

.great news, folks! The job I was applying for is at last mine ;). Today I've got a long awaited verifying mail. That means that from the October I'm officially a member of Illusion Softworks development team :). I'm so glad, that's the job I've ever wanted! Hopefully I'll also like it :).
This means that I'm staying in Prague for some more time (months, years, who knows...). Thus my search for an apartment is getting really serious and intense ;).
See you around someday! Now I have to go to celebrate these great news a bit :)!