.so this is it. The time has come, we've done our exams and the stay in Germany, our Erasmus, is almost over. Only few days left, then we'll restart our routine lives in Prague. Hopefully with the successful final exams and master degree in computer science somewhere during this summer...
As with everything in life, I start to realize, that I'd miss this place. There were days I liked this city, university and people here, there were days of opposite feelings. Yet only now, at the end, I know that the positives were stronger. As always, you see that you like/love something only when you're about to lose it. As always, now you see quite brightly, that many things could have been done other way, some words could have been spoken, some deeds carried out. Yet they were not...
So here they come, last 4 days of our adventurous stay in the west European country. Will they bring something new, refreshing or are they designated to be dull and boring? This time, I'm going to let the fortune to decide ;).
So here they come, last 4 days of our adventurous stay in the west European country. Will they bring something new, refreshing or are they designated to be dull and boring? This time, I'm going to let the fortune to decide ;).
Good bye, Borisss, and good luck in everything that awaits you! It was nice to meet you.
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